Fink; etc

Fink, pâtissier, chocolatier, depuis 1828

Last night, at the end of dinner at the halte Jacquaire in Poitiers (of which more later), a few of the other pilgrims surprised the table with a selection of pastries, purchased earlier that day from Fink, a high-end pâtissier in Poitiers. These were divided, and subdivided, and (ultimately) devoured.

Our loyal readers—both of you—will not be surprised to learn that A&I would—inevitably—attempt to track these unctuous treats to their source on this, our rest day in Poitiers. Here is a small sample of what we found at Fink.

A&I contemplated this sugary array and—judicious, selective, and protective of our waistlines—purchased just one of their gem-like gâteaux, an éclair chocolate, which we’ve eaten, with coffees, while sitting at a table shaded by trees at the Café des Arts, in a small place near the weekly market, which is still in progress.

And while I have your attention (and since few can resist a market day in France), some photos of the market in Poitiers, in the Place Charles de Gaulle, beside the beautiful Église Notre-Dame.

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